This shelf life is dramatically shortened if the fruit is first cleaned and then stored. Gooseberries can be popped into the mouth raw, though their tartness isn’t everyone’s cup of gooseberry-tea. Extremely nutritious! Dot with butter. 10. This applies to berries that are boiled down or frozen and are therefore subject to temperature fluctuations. Gooseberries will thrive in most gardens, but to get the most from them grow them in a bright position in rich, well-drained soil. Just 1 cup (150 … Tangy amla lachcha: Take 500 grams of gooseberries. It is ready to eat but tastes best after two to three days. Add amlas to this boiling syrup and cook them until soft. Gooseberries can be cooked in pies or stewed to make purées, jams and chutneys. Boil them by themselves for 20 minutes, skimming them frequently. Take a clean and dry Bottle or Bharani (Porcelain Jar). Add a pinch of hing powder, half teaspoon each of mustard seeds, fennel seeds and cumin seeds. Saute it for one mnt. Super delicious! Then it's cooled and served with with cheese and crackers. Pick and clean red gooseberries, thoroughly ripe. Lt. 3 reviews. Boil one and a half litres of water in a big pan. Add pricked gooseberries into it. Gooseberry is very beneficial for health due to the presence of high amount of iron and vitamin C. These recipes are truly tongue-tickler with the perfect sweetness or spiciness or both. Then add brown sugar, in the proportion of one pound of sugar to one pound of fruit. Wipe them off with a clean cloth to get rid of any extra wetness. All rights reserved. Then harvest a portion of the half ripe fruit without further ado.