Broccolis are regarded as one of the healthiest vegetable. This happened because of the weather here. Most parts of the broccoli plant can be eaten, from the immature flowers to the stalks and even the leaves. People prescribed blood thinners shouldn’t eat broccoli leaves without a doctor’s okay. Gardening has always been a passion of mine and will always be my favorite pastime. That’s the part you eat. (they like cold too). i want it to flower quicker but here in ecuador, it seems to take forever for plants to go to seed. The broccoli, being herbaceous, grows fast. The part of the broccoli that we eat is technically the flowering part of the broccoli plant. In England we have had the wettest summer I can remember. When most people think of broccoli they think of the flowers or florets that are commonly consumed. Broccoli flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. In regards to warning people, no law is required. Should I leave them alone and expect the thick "trunks" to start growing more heads when the weather turns or do I pull them? Yep, broccoli leaves are as edible as the leaves of their nutrient-packed cousin kale! It’s also a good source of vitamin A which helps promote good eyesight. I have always planted in the beginning of May and never had any problems till this year. Broccoli flowers have a pleasant, mild flavor. Although, I only planted 4 out of the same tray, and only 1 did NOT flower and is still growing a nice broccoli head as i wanted all to do. But nothing can beat the sweetness of white sprouting broccoli. Or is the broccoli you’re eating even a flower? They are now all flowering and taste wonderful sauteed in a little garlic olive oil. The name broccoli comes from the Italian word brocco which means sprout or bud. Is all the water causing this? Or if you are growing broccoli in your garden and it flowers, it will be very bitter. Broccoli is a cool weather plant, preferring soil temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 27 degrees Fahrenheit). Thanks for any input>. Lots of sunlight will create a greener, more nutritious buds. High in nutrition as well, the leaves can be sautéed, stir fried, or added to soups. What's New Blog  | Flowers Are Sprouting From Your Brocolli Plant – Can You Eat Brocolli Flowers? Limited time only - buy now Ends in: 7 days. I believe I planted in the right time but too close and all through the winter was driving me crazy covering up from the cold weather then uncovering when the sun would be warm enough. It is generally not available from the shops as the plants are smaller, the yield is minimal and the harvest is short. I planted early thinking they would do better. wait, wait. It’s such a waste to throw away when you don’t understand anything that’s actually happening. If you look closely, it’s a collection of many stems each with a bud that’s waiting for the right time to transform into a full-grown flower. But it’s in the first year, in fact, in the first 40-90 days, that most varieties of broccoli grow leaves and form flower heads. I was fortunate to get a nice head on each of my broccoli plants. Completely opened flowers will wilt when steamed, but partially opened buds retain their shape. Get broccoli crops off to the best possible start, in Monty Don's practical planting guide, from BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Cabbage, kohlrabi, brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower all were domesticated from the same source. Broccoli is modified to have a large collection of flower buds at the center which are harvested for human consumption. You’re correct – mostly. Learn more tips on harvesting broccoli. Yes, peel them first, but leave the very woody bottom bit of stem for the compost. Already 89 degree days here. After The Harvest If you were a commercial market grower, after you cut the head off all your broccoli plants (at more or less the same time because labor is expensive) you would rip up everything and replant. Vegetables are healthier when they are spaced appropriately. If you miss harvesting at the tight bud stage, you can still harvest broccoli, even with the flowers open. Some specialty markets sell yellow broccoli flowers in the produce section as a delicacy item. I collected seeds from a flowering broccoli 2016 and planted them in cold soil 2017. For more information, check out this article from Bonnie Plants on growing broccoli. Use them as an edible garnish or include them as a nutritious and attractive addition to any salad. The green is toxic and eating too much can cause an upset stomach. Sounds like the sort of vegetable that you should ignore. I do some edibles I can add to salad, I'll try again towards the end of August Thanks:(, So I wanted to wait until the heads got as large as in the store and some went straight to flowering and some heads. The flower also buds fast, so when it reaches the stage where it blooms, you might doubt whether the yellow flowers are safe to eat. Broccoli flowers have a pleasant, mild flavor. You might think it’s a genetically modified organism. If you notice that the bottom leaves are turning yellow this is a sign that your plant isn’t getting enough nitrogen. The “sprouts” seen in this picture are merging florettes which mean that the bud is blooming towards maturity. Broccolis are known for their uniquely shaped flowers that look like miniature trees. It’s not poisonous or anything, but it doesn’t help much with your health or even your food. It’s also used to reduce bad cholesterol. In fact, some … Broccoli flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. It's just common sense. So, yes, you can eat it. Broccoli leaves are contra-indicated for people diagnosed with hypothyroidism. ha ha ha, n e w to vege gardening had 5planter boxes made and went for it!! It has been stressing me out so I can understand why the lil broccoli would be stressed! :( I guess kale it is...again. Broccoli flowers have a pleasant, mild flavor. Completely opened flowers will wilt when steamed, but partially opened buds retain their shape. Should I harvest the whole plant and cook the main stalk or try to make my own slaw? I planted my Broccoli around the middle of February this year. Each bulb will bear up to 30 flowers each year, and are ideal for the back of borders in pots, or make stunning cut flowers. I assume I have to peel first for slaw. Meta Description: Can you eat broccoli flowers? So we will be having just a little home grown broccoli this year. How? Southeast Alaska is perfect for broccoli, had great success. It's now producing seed pods. Now I know. However, by the time I started to see florets, the flowers had taken over and I ended up with about a handful of florets. When the temperature rises, a broccoli plant will begin thene… Use the leaves in potato soup and add the flowers to garnish. The odor can also be a sign to help you tell whether broccoli has gone bad: if you perceive that the aroma of this plant is bitter and smells a little harder than normal, do not consume it. We like them best in thin, circular coins or diced for the most pleasant texture. This was the first time in planting a garden in SE Alaska and I think the burst of heat and sun made my broccoli grow like Jack and the beanstalk but the sudden shoot created fireworks of flowers and no head. When given in moderation, broccoli … Mid-Michigan's weather has been colder than normal & we have had a lot of rain. You will never know what good things you’ll discover. So, for the final time, can you eat broccoli flowers? Once they've gone to flower, they are goners definitely. How to Store Broccoli. Did you know that a broccoli plant is mostly leaves, with only one flower bud that forms the head you know and eat? Do you really want to eat it? A couple of my broccoli plants look like they have a bunch of seeds scattered under them. Broccoli-lovers, too. Temperatures have been in the mid to high 80's so I guess I will be replanting in Autumn. Thoughts? Rise of the Foliage Gardeners around the globe begin to get excited as the last day of summer draws near. Join in and write your own page! High soil and heat temperatures will cause the plant to finish out its life cycle early. Let me know by commenting below. We really just want you to use broccoli stems. They’re not starving :). Signs that Broccoli Has Gone Bad One of the first signs that the broccoli has gone bad and … So much for having some fresh broccoli on the dinner table. I have read here that I should just pull up my plants and start over but there florets are still growing but a little smaller than the size of a normal stem. Broccoli is also known to help prevent cancer, especially stomach and intestinal cancers. How? They have not flowered yet but it looks like they will soon if I don't cut them. Learn the truth about whether it’s safe to eat your blossoming broccoli. Absolutely. Don’t hit that back button yet! Have you eaten broccoli flower before? Now what? The key to buying broccoli at the farm market is to choose stalks that are tender and firm, not woody. In addition to being pretty, the fully-bloomed broccoli flowers are edible, but they have very less nutritional value and taste rather bitter. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it sold in grocery stores with some of the flowers already open and I know I’ve eaten it that way. 4 Interesting Things to Know About Broccoli Flowers, What Is Brassica Oleracea? My garden has flooded 3 times this year with standing water in it for a day or two. Before answering the question, let’s take a look at what we know about broccolis. I planted broccoli seedlings and let them accidently flower. With tons of seeds, I've been planting a lot and pulling up the sprouts. I’m Lucy, and I’m a self-confessed garden fanatic. The buds are great source of vitamin C, dietary fibers, Iron, Calcium, and even protein. The other heads are very small but they look like they have seeds on them. The vegetable came from an artificial selection of the wild mustard (which is the real Brassica Oleracea), specifically by modifying the flower buds and stem parts of the wild mustard plant. Use them as an edible garnish or include them as a nutritious and attractive addition to any salad. That’s because broccoli leaves are not usually sold in stores and the only way one would have access to them is by growing broccoli at home. The bright yellow broccoli flowers are edible and delicious. (Wisconsin). If it’s just a few flowers, it’s not yet too late to pick the curd and just take the flowers off, but it won’t be good for storage, and you will have to cook it as soon as possible. According to, if your broccoli starts to turn yellow, it is still safe to eat. But some comments talk about eating the greens I am willing but should I only try the smaller leaves? Back to HOME page: No Dig Vegetable Garden. These buds mature or bloom at different times depending on the variety. How does it taste? My Broccoli is Bolting - Eating Fall Rapini Broccoli Flowers You may just need to wait a little longer. It’s not poisonous or anything, but it doesn’t help much with your health or even your food. I had a broccoli plant that I planted in May in southern AZ last year. Wait. I have had problems with my broccoli flowering also. So, can you eat broccoli flowers? Rabbits will eat broccoli plants happily. It's easy to do. Unless your broccoli hangs around in the back of the fridge until it blossoms and sets seed, there is nothing to fear but broccoli itself. Thanks for reading! I am crediting this to either poor seeds or to the drastic temperature variation we have had here in NW Ohio. It’s a cross between slender, leafy Chinese broccoli and the regular thick-stemmed broccoli many of us grew up loving (or vehemently not loving, as the case may be). Now that I am married and have one adorable son, I have the time to write and share my personal experiences with other garden enthusiasts like me. Just flowers. So, don’t be surprised. I have gotten one head out of six plants. Choose - Gai lan stems frequently have small flower buds or yellow flowers on them – this is normal, and the flowers can be eaten (and are perfectly tasty). by Donna What you need to know is that the thing that we eat in our salads is not the fully grown broccoli flower yet. Wrong. Completely opened flowers will wilt when steamed, but partially opened buds retain their shape. They require some washing but are great for salads. Broccoli flowers can be used in the same way. However, whether you cook up your broccoli when it looks like the image above, or when its flowers are already blooming, you may find that the flavor and texture are a little different. That’s why your parents have been wanting you to eat this thing full of good stuff! The leaves and stems sweeten up as they cook, and can be harvested at any stage of the plant. FLOWERS ARE SPROUTING FROM YOUR BROCOLLI PLANT – CAN YOU EAT BROCOLLI FLOWERS? About Me  | Contact Me  |  Site Map  |  Newsletter  |  Website Policies If you take a closer look at the curd, it’s composed of small shoots or buds. Dome shaped types and sprouting varieties are less likely to succumb as the water can run off easily. It's easy to do. If you miss harvesting at the tight bud stage, you can still harvest broccoli, even with the flowers open. I guess I will be planting earlier around March 1 next year. Help!!! So I planted my broccoli and all went to flower, our winter here in Waco Texas lasted 2/3 weeks its been kind of warm for this vegetable! Some report that about-to-bloom broccoli florets can be mealier than their more tightly … They are already starting to flower from small heads that formed. The 'seeds' are a goldish/brown color. Use them as an edible garnish or include them as a nutritious and attractive addition to any salad. Broccolis are vascular plants; its way of reproducing is through flowers – in this case, it’s delicious and healthy reproduction. 4 Interesting Things to Know About Broccoli Flowers Broccolis are known for their uniquely shaped flowers that look like miniature trees. Simply click here to return to. The bees shall have none of it! That being said, try to avoid any bunches with a very large number of older, fully opened flowers, as these stalks are more mature and may be bitter. Copyright© 2008-2020 All Rights Reserved. i am growing broccoli to produce seeds for sprouting. Broccoli should smell fresh, if the smell is bitter or bad odor is evident it means it has gone off. Some broccoli varieties are more resistant than others, and flat-headed types are naturally more susceptible to broccoli soft rot where water can sit. If you leave the broccoli in the garden, it will eventually open up and reveal its beautiful yellow flowers. Some broccoli matures anywhere from 55 to 70 days. Well, the scientific name of broccoli is a combination of Celtic and Latin words for cabbage or vegetable. What should I do when the broccoli is flowering before I get a floret. If you do opt to harvest broccoli in flower, consider cooking it like you might flowering kale or mustard greens because it will be stronger than younger broccoli would be. Can you give rabbits broccoli in its entirety? Now I know. Wild mustard plants grow bright yellow flowers in a compact space surrounded by elongated leaves – the resemblance is uncanny! You see when broccoli turns yellow it becomes very bitter. Just goes to show that Northern Ohio weather in July, 90 degree heat and high humidity for a period of time will make you plant them in the fall. Yes unfortunately your broccoli is going to seed if it has yellow flowers on it. (ABC Local: Simon Leo Brown) Most commonly used in salads, nasturtium flowers can also be chopped and used in lemon butter or mayonnaise. Should tall plants be removed? When the central head of a broccoli crown is still tightly in bud and tucked several inches below the tops of the highest leaves, it’s time to take your first harvest. You can eat it. Broccoli can be blanched and frozen for up to one year. Some of the older leaves will be a bit tough. ; thanks for all the comments ya"ll !!! The dense, flower heads are the classic way we know broccoli, but harvesting broccoli leaves gives another way to use the plant. Sounds like a Harry Potter spell, right? Broccoli that has turned yellow is not poisonous, however…. A deep layer of mulch say 5-10cms will help keep the surrounding soil cooler. This is the Premier Cru of sprouting broccoli. my theory is the lack of change in sunlight hours never triggers the reproduce response. The brussell sprouts look fine. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Broccoli in the south only lasts until May, but every side sprig gets eaten. Individual plants are grown in spaced intervals. The soluble fibers digested from the vegetable bind with the cholesterol in the blood, making it easy to get rid of naturally. It’s understandable that you might have asked or searched for answers regarding the yellow stuff coming out of your broccolis. To be fair, they are getting fed on the flowers of squash, beans, tomatoes, peppers, watermelon and possibly even possibly okra by that time. Hi there! So, yes, you can eat it. I planted mine in June and they came out nicely and I was glad they are doing well. You might find it peculiar at first, but it’s not uncommon for flowers being part of our diet - some even make great teas! I always plant my broccoli in early May and have had excellent results. It's too hot here to do that. Store broccoli in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Broccoli-haters take note. Okay, so no broccoli … Donna from Wisconsin writes: I'm new to gardening. If left too long or not given enough water broccoli will start to flower, yes you can eat the flowers but they’ll taste bitter and don’t have much nutritional value. Should I cut the flowers? Can You Eat Broccoli Flowers? If there is nothing edible left in the leaves or stems, chuck them and start again. If you’re new to gardening and decided to add broccoli to your palette, it’s safe to assume you still have little knowledge about it. Planted broccoli from tray 3 grew long stems 3' high with flowers other compact bundle group of leaves with no head showing yet. The purple variety gives a bigger, longer harvest. I have/had asked several folks with no solutions, but reading other posts here, at least now I know that some do just turn to flowers and seed. Use them as an edible garnish or include them as a nutritious and attractive addition to any salad. With no mulch, the sun beats down and can really heat up plants' roots. Probably not. I guess the early heat has gotten to them. The green leaves are fine to eat, all part of the brassica family. Yep, pull out those tall lanky flowering plants, they're taking up space and their roots taking up goodness from soil. Simply click here to return to Vegetable Growing Problems. So it’s no surprise that you can eat broccoli leaves, if you think about it. This vascular type of plant was said to be cultivated first by the Romans in Italy and was later introduced to the world through the countless expeditions of colonization. I always use the broccoli stems. I did however make the mistake of planting them right beside my Brussel Sprouts and both plants have cross paths. You can harvest from one plant for many weeks, in some cases, from spring to fall, if your summer isn’t too hot. Broccoli leaves are edible and have a distinct flavor: earthy, mildly bitter, and tasting faintly of broccoli. Now what?! Cold atmospheric conditions produce healthy curds. Maybe I should have just left them uncovered? Broccoli plants grow best in cold,sunny weather, which means it’s grown in the fall up to the start of spring. Over-cooking leaves can strip them of nutrients and disease-fighting power. Completely opened flowers will wilt when steamed, but partially opened buds retain their shape. !well ill plant more and water and feed ill try to eat the flowers great site thank you caroline rangiora newzealand. Broccoli will start to grow tall and form flowers when soil temperatures climb above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius), usually in the hotter summer months. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not everyone tolerates raw broccoli leaves; even cooked, gastric issues could develop. It is a breed of the wild mustard like how dogs also have breeds, except that this vegetable doesn’t bite. ... scented blooms. I planted my Broccoli seeds late August. For starters, it’s one of the most traded vegetable in the world. Flowers and all. ltfire June 26, 2007, 11:11pm For example, potatoes that have turned green should be peeled until you see no green on the potato. However, it could taste bitter and there is also a good chance that it will give you gas. Answer: Well yes you can eat it. I am not getting anything close to flowers. Garden Gift Hub is one of the most thoughtful and interesting places on the web to find original and useful gardening and nature inspired products. Broccoli is a great addition to meals since it provides anyone with a whole package of nutrients – completes your daily dose of nutrition in delicious ways. I am still using the stems and small leaves for eating raw in salads or for grilling with a little bit of olive oil., I am hoping we will have a colder winter next year! Eating broccoli leaves gives you another source of the plant’s high content of fiber, vitamins C and K, iron, and potassium. Broccoli flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. You can grate the stems or matchstick them and eat raw, or cut them into chunks and give them a quick steam or slow roast – always tasty and good for you. And they certainly won't form any heads if they are flowering. you guessed it the brocolli went to seed ohh reading everything on this site my plants were starved off everything cept love!! The only parts of broccoli that have been shown to be poisonous are the seeds and roots. If you still have no head on broccoli, eat the leaves. Broccolini may just be the great green equalizer.Broccolini is not baby broccoli, as you might expect. Although as mentioned before, the stems or stalks might not agree with him. I put in plants in early April, and they have gone bolting into flower rather than heads, I understand that the flowers are edible, but, I am wondering, if I cut off all the flower shoots, mulch over the roots, and water often to help keep the roots cool, will I still get a harvest of heads later on, or is it too late, and do I need to pull these, and start again in the fall? You can probably make a good tea out of the flowers’ petals and experiment on them. The difference between the buds and the flowers, in terms of consumption, rely on their nutritional value. I planted 12 plants May 8, 2015. A Scientific Review. So it flowered and all but i just let it live. Sustainable Gardening & Eco Living Articles, Join in and write your own page! In addition to being pretty, the fully-bloomed broccoli flowers are edible, but they have very less nutritional value and taste rather bitter. Most variants bloom at about 6 weeks, and this is what we call bolting. Why are my broccoli leaves turning yellow? If you wash before storing, make sure to dry it thoroughly. Sometimes it's the soil heating up the shallow roots of broccoli plants that causes stress. The bright yellow broccoli flowers are edible and delicious. Technically, yes. It has been more like Summer than Spring. Is... again Chinese broccoli with flower means they are doing well learn truth. Try the smaller leaves my name, email, and i ’ m can you eat broccoli flowers garden... 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